Sullivan, James A., Jr. (Jim)
Town Administrator
Town of Burke, Vermont
James (Jim) Sullivan has more than 35 years of experience in financial services and banking. He has served as the Vice President of Community Development and CRA Officer at Align Credit Union for the past 16 years. In this role, Jim is responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with community based, charitable, and non-profit organizations. Jim previously served as a Regional Field Manager, Assistant Chief Director, and Bank Examiner at the Division of Banks here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for 10 years. In these roles Jim was responsible for all aspects of compliance in banking services including mortgage lending, commercial lending, and loan administration.
Jim lives in Westford with his wife Wendy and their two dogs Burke and Annie. He serves on the boards of HOME (Home Ownership for Massachusetts Elders), The Lowell Plan, The Lowell Development and Finance Committee, Project Learn (Treasurer), The Lowell YMCA, D’Youville Life & Wellness Foundation (Clerk), and Elder Services of Merrimac Valley (Advisory Council). Jim is also a member of the Lowell Rotary Club and a Corporator at the Boy’s & Girl’s Club of Lowell.
Jim graduated from Saint Joseph’s College of Maine with a degree in Business and Communications.